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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Gear up for Earth Week 2014!

If you don't know already, Earth Week 2014 is from April 21st - 25th and Earth Day 2014 is on April 22nd. That means, there are tons of events lining up for you next week! Free food, free entertainment, free education!

Below are all events that will take place during Earth Week. A calendar is also added for your convenience! Simply add it to your calendar so you won't miss out on these amazing events!

Monday, April 21
Energy Awareness Day-Active Energy Club (part of CSE Week 2014)
April 21 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Lind Hall Courtyard Booths and demos on sustainability topics and energy saving tips. Pick up a FREE CFL bulb!
Geological Society of Minnesota Lecture Series
An Earth Day "party for the planet" with liquid nitrogen ice cream.

Decay of Polar Ice and its Environmental Impact
Michelle A. LaRue, Research Fellow, Polar Geospatial Center, University of Minnesota, will present "Decay of Polar Ice and its Environmental Impact."
This event is free and open to the public.
Tuesday, April 22
Kickstart Your Earth Day 2014 (at Rec Center) #UMNEarthDay
7:30 am - 9:30 am at UMN Rec Center, 1906 University Ave
Enjoy giveaways like: granola bars, coffee, t-shirts, sunglasses, bags, free hydro massages.... A LOT OF FREE STUFF!! 
From Nice Ride, HUB Bike Center, University Dining Services, Flamenco Coffee Co, and more!

Earth Day 2014 at Northrop Auditorium and Northrop Mall
Tables 11 am - 3:30 pm, Music 12-1 pm, Food 1 pm
Come celebrate Earth Day at the newly renovated Northrop Auditorium on Tuesday, April 22nd from 11am-3:30pm. An outdoor concert will take place from12-1pm featuring Grand Dynasty, DJ CFANS, and Center Coast. Inside, there will be FREE food at 1pm as well as student groups and outside organizations sharing their work and how they have been serving our community and the environment.
Presented by Students for Sustainability, U Students Like Good Food, Environmental Student Alliance and Fossil Free Minnesota, with ESPM Student Association, MPIRG and other student groups co-sponsoring and attending.

Earth Day Clean Energy and Jobs Rally at the Capitol (student groups are attending)
Answer Governor Dayton's call to build a sustainable energy future for our state. With bold action, our state legislators can keep Minnesota on the cutting edge of clean energy development, but they need to see that Minnesotans want it!Join other Minnesota Renewable Energy Society (MRES) supporters as we call for a bright renewable energy future in Minnesota!

Earth Day "Do the Math Showing" at Coffman Union Theater
6:30-8:30 pm
Concerned about climate? Want to be part of the solution? Come join Fossil Free Minnesota for an Earth Day showing of "Do the Math," the movie that sparked the largest youth climate movement in history. Learn about the growing fossil fuel divestment campaign and how you can be a part of this powerful call to action. The 40-minute movie will begin at 6:30 PM and discussion will follow. Free admission; bring a friend!
Sponsored by Fossil Free Minnesota, Students for Sustainability & MPIRG

Bayer Lecture in Sustainability - Renewable Plastics: Step One in Breaking Our Oil Addiction
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM at Bell Museum of Natural History Theater
In this year's Bayer Lecture in Sustainability, leading bioenergy scientist George Huber will discuss the growth and the market drivers for the renewable plastics industry, as well as some of the current market successes and products that are near commercialization.
Registration required at:

We Are Going Meatless. One Meal. One BIG Impact.
ALL DAY, meatless lunch, brought you campus by University Dining Services (UDS) 
We're counting down the days until Earth Day! To celebrate the Earth on April 22, we are going MEATLESS at Topio's, Greens to Go, Cranberry Farms, Bistro West and in all residential restaurants (for lunch). Plus, we'll be hosting events around campus with prizes, trivia, chef demos and more!

Earth Day at the Arboretum: Protect the Pollinators

Green Chemistry and Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream-ACS-UMN
6-7 p.m., Smith Hall, Rooms 117/119 

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